Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cancer Survivors Rally to Support American Cancer Society: Who, What, When, Where and How!

WHO: The American Cancer Society invites individuals who want to honor cancer survivors (anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer) and caregivers, or pay tribute to those who have lost their battle with cancer to join its Relay For Life of Thornton, scheduled for July 17, 2010 at 3 p.m. at the Thornton Multipurpose Fields (108th and Colorado Boulevard).

In 1985, Relay For Life began with one man who walked and ran around a track for 24 hours raising $27,000. This year, Relay For Life is coming to you in more than 4,800 communities.

WHAT: The Relay For Life of Thornton Kickoff Rally is where anyone – families, caregivers,cancer survivors, schools, companies, etc. – get together to kick off the annual Relay For Life of Thornton activities.

The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is an overnight community celebration where individuals and teams camp out, barbecue, dance, and take turns walking around a track relay style to raise funds to fight cancer. At nightfall, participants will light hundreds of luminaria around the track in a moving ceremony to honor cancer survivors as well as friends and family members lost to the disease. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life represents hope that those lost to cancer will never be forgotten, that those who face cancer will be supported, and that one day cancer will be eliminated. Because of events like this one, more people are celebrating more birthdays.

WHEN: Thursday, February 11, 2010 – 6:30‐8:00 p.m.

WHERE: Margaret W. Carpenter Recreation Center, 11151 Colorado Boulevard, Thornton

HOW: To join the Relay For Life of Thornton, contact Judy Colasuonno (Event Chair) at
720‐273‐0997 or or visit our website at

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Director's Message: January 5, 2010

It has been my honor to serve as the interim director of the University of Colorado Cancer Center over these past 12 months. During 2009 the Cancer Center grew in membership, publications and grants. Most importantly, we recruited an outstanding new director, Dr. Dan Theodorescu, who will begin his work here on July 1.

Over the next six months, Dr. Andrew Thorburn will assume the position of interim director, and I will resume my duties as deputy director and as UCCC associate director for cancer prevention and control. Andrew has been an important member of the Cancer Center leadership team over this past year. I look forward to his leadership as the interim director as we begin work on the competing core grant renewal and prepare for Dan’s arrival.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to the many who were particularly helpful to me and the Cancer Center over this past year: especially to Dean Krugman, who is a strong supporter of everything we do here, to the UCCC associate directors and program leaders, who provide such outstanding scientific leadership, and to Michaela Montour and the outstanding administrative team who make this complex organization work so well. Thank you all.

Tim Byers, MD, MPH
Deputy Director, University of Colorado Cancer Center
Associate Director for Cancer Prevention and Control, University of Colorado Cancer Center
Associate Dean for Public Health Practice, Colorado School of Public Health